Sales Recruitment

Companies often have three approaches when attempting to attract great leadership and sales talent.  Either they seek out their personal network, attempt to post a scripted ad on a major hiring website or lastly they hire a headhunter.  In reality, any of these approaches can work but usually not consistently and/or in the case of a headhunter they are a significant investment, typically in the range of $10-20k per position.

Thankfully, here at Summit, we have a better way!  What if we could show you a recruitment tactic that very few are using that will immediately set you apart?  What if applicants could be funneled through our automated candidate screening without you lifting a finger or thumbing through countless resumes?  Only once a successful candidate emerges do they automatically get scheduled an interview directly to your calendar. Oh, by the way; we guarantee that 6 months later the position filled will be a success or you get a brand new placement at no cost to you!


Summit Recruitment Core

  • Customized Pre-Screening License(s) for candidates
  • 1-1 coaching call on preparing your Video Sales Letter
  • Video Sales Letter example

Summit Recruitment Pro

  • Customized Pre-Screening License(s) for candidates
  • 1-1 coaching call on preparing your Video Sales Letter
  • Video Sales Letter example copy
  • "Done for you" landing page
  • Automated "worthy of hire" applicants sent directly to your calendar